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Stanford has a family of themes built for Drupal 7. Our themes are centrally maintained, accessible, standards compliant, mobile responsive, and Stanford branded. They are updated quarterly and rolled out to Stanford Sites and to Drupal on the Collaboration Tools Installer. You may also request to download the themes for use on your Drupal site hosted elsewhere. Stanford Framework, Stanford Light, and other Stanford-branded themes are available for University academic departments, centers, research groups and administrative units.  Open Framework and Stanford Basic are available for individuals and University-recognized student groups. Below is an introduction to each theme.


Base Theme

Open Framework is a responsive, full-featured base theme that uses Twitter Bootstrap styles. The Open Framework theme does not include any Stanford branding elements. This theme is used as a base theme for Stanford Framework and its subthemes. Open Framework is available by default as of April 9, 2013 for all personal, group, or department sites on pp加速器国际版. You may also download Open Framework and find theme documentation online at PP加速器官方下载_PP加速器最新版官方下载 v0.6.5 免费版 ...:2021-6-4 · PP加速器并不是一款网游加速器工具,而是专门用于视频加速的软件,采用先进的互联网技术P2SP,能够众最佳的网络线路进行视频下载,支持用户一边观影一边下载,节省了时间和精力。除此之外,PP加速器每天为用户推送一些最新的、最热门的精彩视频,每天为用户带来无限的欢乐。.

View Open Framework Demo


Subtheme without Stanford Brand Bars

Stanford Light is a new, flexible theme based on Open Framework that allows you to easily customize the look-and-feel of your site using several new theme options. Theme options in Stanford Light let you choose from three font families and seven visual styles. Fonts and colors are variations on those recommended in the Stanford Identity Toolkit. You can also easily add background images to your header. Stanford Light is ideal for personal websites, student group websites, websites which do not require Stanford branding but still want the look and feel of a professional Stanford website.



Base Theme with Stanford Branding

Stanford Framework is a base theme specifically designed for Stanford. This theme includes the official Stanford header and footer bars, as well as useful theme options to assist in creating site title treatments that align with Stanford's identity guidelines. Stanford Framework features sans-serif typography, simplified menu styles, and use of Stanford colors in block, link, and image styles. These features make Stanford Framework an ideal base theme on which to build Stanford-branded subthemes. Stanford Framework is available for University academic departments, centers, research groups and administrative units. It can be enabled by request on your Stanford Sites website, or provided as a download for use on other hosting services.

View Stanford Framework Demo

Request Stanford Framework

Stanford Basic

Personal Theme

Stanford Basic is a responsive, customizable theme available to all users on Stanford Sites. This theme is available for general use, and features several useful theme options to allow for customization.

View Stanford Basic Demo

Learn more about using Stanford Basic on the SWS Blog

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